Friday, August 27, 2021

Collaborate - Sites

DFI Week 5

Connecting with Manaiakalani - Visible Learning

Visible teaching and learning is the idea of can we see it or can we not.  This includes both teaching and learning.  Is it visible to the learner, the whānau, the teacher and colleagues. A contributor to our tamariki not achieving is that for a long time we have kept this learning hidden.  If we make things visible the learner and whānau understanding where they are heading and can support each other on the journey.

Visibiity learning encompances the whole journey, for every part of the learning process needs to be made visible for the learner.  This includes the planning, walths, success criteria and assessment processes.  This enables the student to see where they are heading and what comes next. The day to day teaching and learning and progressions need to be visible.

Sites can be used to make learning visible and the work is then shared to the class blog to make the students learning visible to the world.  Sitting within this model is Hapara and this enables students work to be visible to the teacher.  


Multimodal is the concept of delivering communication in a way that reaches and suits the learner. Multi model is tied to four principles these are engagement, personalised learning, acceleration and empowerment.  These are important to consider when we design sites for learning.  A class site is inclusive for all learners and has the approach of UDL - it caters for all learners.  

- 'The Hook' how can we hook students into their learning this ties into the New Zealand Curriculum - Learners who are actively involved in their learning.  If learners are inspired to learn then they are hooked into their learning.  Multimodal learning provides a vehicle to help 'hook' the learner in, hooking the student in starts with plenty of engagement.

Personalised Learning -

"Thinking that the default is not the teacher" - Chrissie Butler. what works for one learner may not work for another. The teacher needs to think about what will engage all students and what they might think is engaging may not be for the learner.  It is important for us to ask what engages our tamariki.

Acceleration -
Acceleration of our learners needs to include engagement - this begins with drawing them into the learning so they are on task, in the right place at the right time.  Then engaging them cognitively - getting their brains to work hard. T shaped literacy is a good example of this, in our junior school we are exploring how sets of readers, they all have a common theme, can help develop our students critical literacy.

Multimodal learning is empowering. "Leading learning through multimodal sites is a journey, depending greatly on the skills and digital fluency of the teachers"


We spent time exploring sites and identifying how they hook the learner into the task and how the layout can have a positive of negative effect on drawing someone in. We also spent time learning how to create a site. We spent time creating a site.  My takeaways from this were

  • plan your site first, you can waste a lot of time creating the site and realise that it is not fit for purpose
  • make time to create the site - don't rush the creation of your site, you want it to hook the learners in
  • know your purpose before you start and collect the resources to support this purpose before you start.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Dealing with Data

 DFI Week 4 - Data

Connecting with Manaiakalani 

Today we explored the Share component of Learn, Create Share. The concept of share is not new, it is part of the human compulsion to talk about and share what is happening in their world. Sharing and connecting with others is an important part of who we are.  The ways we have shared has changed dramatically in a short span of time. Our audiences have become wider and more far reaching than ever before, we can share to a global platform. 

Manaiakalani identified share as a hook to engage and motivate learners and enable people to connect with others.  The digital world enables use to capture authentic audiences that can help learners achieve outcomes. It is unlimited - tāmariki can share with anyone, anywhere at anytime.  

Blogger became the platform as a means to share - 

At South Hornby School we define Share as any activity that connects with others to expand our learning purpose. Our tāmariki share to build exisiting knowledge, this often happens in the Learn phase, share to gain feedback - often occurs in the Create phase and share to celebrate learning. Share happens throughout the Learn Create Share cycle and is an important part of the cycle as it is integral to supporting children with their learning.

Google Forms:

I enjoyed practising the new skill of adding a section to a form.

Google My Maps:
You can customise maps allowing you to customise journeys, show where you tupuna came from, show your nationality.  Collecting this information on a spread sheet and uploading the spreadsheet to the map from here the tāmariki can use the map for a lot of different learning e.g. how far have our tupuna travelled.
I created a map around the legend of our rūngana and added links to the legend so the children can see the map location and then read the legend that applies to that area. This is going to a fantastic app that will support all learners.  I plan to build on this and find You Tube clips of the legends so our tāmariki can listen to these as well.
Our Local Legends


We added and manipulated data and created charts.  This time has enabled me to build on past learning with sheets and try new things.

Quality Blog Posts:

Teaching children about quality blog posts is important as it gives others a framework to comment on others blog that will hopefully springboard more learning.  I find that the students engage with their comments if the commentator leaves a question around their learning.  This prompts the learner to go back and engage with the post they have written or further research or explore their thinking.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Motivation of Media

DFI Session 3 


Today we focused on the Create element of Learn, Create, Share. Create has the power to engage and empower the student with their learning and places the child at the center of that learning.

Creativity is not to be confused with talent, skill, or intelligence, it is not about doing something better than others, it is about thinking, exploring, discovering and imagining (Kohl, 2008)

Creativity is fun, it engages our ākonga. They are able to engage with their learning and demonstrate what they have learnt in ways that engage others.  The power of create,  I believe, sits within learner choice.  Creativity and Create look different for each learner and by providing choice around this we are letting our ākonga express who they are and what they have learnt or are learning by engaging in doing.

This images shows the important aspects of create.  Engage the brain to ensure that creativity can happens and the different aspects that contribute to creativity.  When planning we could use this symbol and think of this quote to ensure we are providing a range of opportunities for create and letting students have agency over what they may want to create.  

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

You Tube Channels -

Important things to ensure
- commenting turned off,
- videos shared via the individual blogs
- teachers have accounts and channels to curate playlists for learning content.
I spent time ensuring that my settings were correct. I tried to embed using the embed code but this didn't work for me so I decided to upload from You Tube instead.

Our School Song

Media is motivating, it is a way to create and tell our own stories. Using SISOMO - the idea of using sight sound and motion to entertain and inform. Our children have grown up in a creative world that is within their reach, how can we bring this on board and bring this into our lesson and classrooms. I enjoyed spending time digging deeper into Google Slides and Google Drawings and can definitely see the link between media creating motivation for creating and engaging with our learning.

- lightning,
- tripods to ensure stability
- sound
- types of shots
I liked the idea of a DIY filmmaking kit and can see how this is affordable and easy to use in the class

Video editing:

Google Drawing

I enjoyed learning how to mask an image

Some other tips to use when creating a Google drawing

Google Slides

Digital pepeha.

Helpful Shortcuts:

Command f (for Apple Mac) or control f (for PC) is the finder tool the numbers appear to state how many times the word you searched in the doc. Use the arrows to go up and down.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Workflow - Effective Teachers implementing Effective Practice

Connecting with Manaiakalani 


Manaiakalani pedagogy Learn Create Share was discussed today with the focus being on Learn.  The Learn component embraces raising student achievement outcomes and the idea of connectedness and equity and access for all learners.  At South Hornby - Te Manu Tukutuku the Learn component of Learn Create Share is described as any activity that access, engages and strengthens the learner's existing knowledge.  Teachers use Learn as a vehicle to motivate and connect ākonga with the learning purpose.

Do our teachers understand Learn Create Share in our context?
This is a hunch we need to investigate as a school.  We have had some changes in staff and consequently we may not have the in depth understanding of what Learn is.  As a leadership team it is important that this pedagogy becomes part of our induction process.

There are two tracks to Manaiakalani kaupapa, digital infrastructure tools and changing how we teach and learn in this digital environment.  Both these tracks need to be side by side to ensure seamless digital learning for our tamariki and educators.  We also require effective teachers implementing effective practice.  Professor Stuart McNaughton explains that accelerated progress occurs through the Learn Create Share pedagogy supported by the Manaiakalani Kaupapa. This framework enables educators to manage learning within a digital framework that is highly visible and promotes best practise.

The importance of educators to ensure that we are implementing high level practices was discussed today and how well these sit within the Learn Create Share Framework.   The use of high leverage practises alongside effective and evidence based practise will improve outcomes for children, and teachers using these approaches alongside digital affordances, then accelerated learning will occur. 

We spent time exploring Google Meet, Google Calendar, GMail.  This sessions provided me time to become more familiar with applications I currently use.  The shortcuts for Google Calendar M = Month, W= Week D= Day, will be a timesaver.  I enjoyed learning about the captions in Google Meet and can see how these would be fantastic for people who are hearing impaired.  We also spent time learning about Google Keep, I currently use Google Tasks and I plan to spend some time exploring this tool to see if it improves workflow.

Hapara Hot Tip: go to all classes you want to view and click on the stars of the classes and they will appear under classes on the home screen.

I also learnt how to embed a video into my Blog. My biggest take away from today was to save my Blog Post, - I presumed it saved similar to Drive and when I went to embed my video through HTML view I lost the work I had within my Blog.